List Manager is a tool for viewing and working with lists of records in a table format.
You can open List Manager by pressing this button in the toolbar.
The default fields for List Manager are System ID and a short summary of each record in a list. You can change these fields.
List Manager with the Short Summary and System IDs for 8 Object records.
Use the tabs at the top of List Manager to swap between the list view, and the image thumbnails view. Any selections you make in the thumbnail view will be reflected in the list view, and vice versa.
List Manager Thumbnail View.
You can return to your browse list at any point. If you close List Manager, your original browse list will be available.
You can also use the Window or Go to buttons.
Window button
The Window button closes List Manager and opens a Browse List of records selected in List Manager.
Go To button
The Go To button takes you to the record you have selected in List Manager, while keeping the other records in the Browse List. This is useful in long lists where you wish to view a specific record without having to click on the Next Arrow button
each time.