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Vernon CMS Help

Conflict checking is a tool that allows you to see Activity records with dates that overlap with the current record.

There are two ways in which the system can look for conflicts:

oReport Conflict

This option prompts the system to check all Object records that have been linked to the current record. The system will then look at all other Activity records that have been linked to those objects. The system will compare the dates of the current record to the dates of the other Activity records that have been linked to the objects. You will be presented with any scheduling conflicts where the dates overlap. This is the broadest conflict check. You can choose not to report on Activities where the dates legitimately overlap with other Activities. For example, you may choose not to report conflicts with Insurance records as it is likely that the dates on the Insurance records would overlap with other Activities, such as Outward Loan.

oReport Conflict in Clusters

This option allows you to alter which Activities are included in the conflict check by telling the system to ignore Activities that appear in clusters. Clusters are any Activities that are directly linked to each other in the Objects & Activities window.  

For example, you may have a Condition Report record that is linked to an Outward Loan record. These two Activities work in parallel so you wouldn't want to the system to present them as a conflict. In this case, you would not tick the Report Conflict in Clusters option for the Condition Report activity.