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Set Up Basic Procedural Statuses for Vernon Activities

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Use the Workflow table and the Procedural Status Table to map out your institution's workflow. This will be the basis for your work in setting up Procedural Status records in Vernon Activities.  

Things to keep in mind:

oThe processes you map out should be the steps and actions that actually take place at your organisation.  

oThere may be parallel streams for a single process. For example, when mapping out the process for inward loans, there may be a stream of actions for loans that are accepted, and a parallel stream for loans that are declined.

Using the Workflow and Procedural Status tables:

1.Choose an Activity file to map in the Workflow table.

2.Identify the various steps from start to finish. These steps should be key milestones in the process, such as request, approval or completion.

3.Optionally determine requirements that are necessary to complete each status. These requirements may be prerequisites, actions, tasks and reports that must be completed before the process can progress. This may include fields that must be filled in, reports that need to be printed, or emails that need to be sent. These requirements could be mandatory or optional.  

These requirements can either be set up at the initial implementation stage, or at a later date as required by your institution.

4.Once you have documented your workflow, you can translate this to Procedural Statuses in Vernon Activities using the Procedural Status table.

5.Repeat steps 1 - 4 for each Activity file you will be using.