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Vernon CMS Help

Rollback is a quick way to undo changes to a record.

The information in the Rollback window represents the last change made to the record. By clicking the Previous button, you can view previous changes made to the record and can roll back to any of those states.  

When you rollback a record, all fields are affected.

The Rollback Window Shows:

oThe User who made the change.

oThe date the change was made.

oThe Audit Transaction ID.

oThe field that was changed.

oThe data that was entered or removed.

o*add* or *del* to indicate whether the data was added or deleted from the record.

To Rollback a record:

1.Open the record you wish to roll back.

2.Click Edit menu > Rollback Record.

3.Use the Previous and Next buttons to locate the version of the record you wish to roll back to.

4.Click OK.