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Navigation: System Administration > Accession Numbers

Next Sequential Accession Number

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The Next Sequential Accession Number Window appears when you click the Options Button or press [Alt + Down Arrow] while your cursor is in the Accession Number field.

It is only necessary to access this window if the default Accession Number that automatically appears in the field is not of the format you want for the object you are viewing on screen at the moment.

When the window appears:

1.Click on the desired format.

2.Click Accept Selected.

The system will fill the Accession Number field with the next consecutive Accession Number in the format you have selected.

To define Accession Number Formats:

Additional Accession Number formats can be defined for your institution if necessary.  However, since these have a significant impact on the search capabilities of the system, they must be established with careful thought as to their ramifications.

It is, therefore, necessary to first contact Vernon Systems for advice on this matter.

The Department and Accession Date fields are sensitive to the Accession Number field.  When defining Accession Number formats you can specify which departments and which inclusive dates a particular format applies to.

Thereafter, when you enter that Department name, or an Accession Date within the specified range and click in the Accession Number field, the appropriate next consecutive Accession Number for that department or those dates will appear.