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Period specific valuations

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You can report on the value at the beginning and end of a time frame. This is useful for reporting on valuation changes in a financial year. The value at the beginning of your time frame is called the Opening Valuation. The value at the end of your time frame is called the Closing Valuation. You can report on both of these fields in Object.


Add the Time Frame for Opening and Closing Valuations

1.Go to Tools menu > System Maintenance > Customised Configuration.

2.Click on the Valuation tab.

3.Add the earliest date in your time frame to the Valuation Period Dates Opening field (e.g. the beginning of the financial year).

4.Add the latest date in your time frame to the Valuation Period Dates Closing field (e.g. end of the financial year).

5.Click OK.


You can now report on Opening and Closing Valuations for this time period. If you need to use a different time period, just change the above dates.