The Tasks & Their Costs window allows you to record costs for tasks associated with any Object, Photo/AV, Person, Site, or Activities records.
Any number of costs may be associated with a single task. For example, the task Photograph Object may have the following costs: Equipment, Transport, and Contractor.
You can record monetary or time costs and both the budgeted amount or actual amount can be noted. The system will calculate the difference between the budgeted and actual amounts.
Accessing the Tasks & Their Costs Window
Access the Tasks & Their Costs window in the Object, Person, Photo/Audio-Visual, Site, or Activity files by using the Navigator or the Database menu.
To Add Tasks to a Record
1.Go to the relevant Tasks & their Costs window and open the record you want to assign the task(s) for.
2.Click into the Tasks field. If the task does not exist click on the Go To File button and create a new task. If the task already exists, enter the name of the task, or click the Options button
to select the task.
3. Enter any costs associated with the task.
4. Save the record.