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Calculate the amount of time an object has been in any given location(s), for any given location reason(s), within a specified period of time.

Argument syntax and parameters




System IDs of Location terms, separated with '^'. If no Location IDs are specified, the system will report on all locations for the specified date range.



System IDs of location reasons to report, separated with '^'.


Optional (requires either location or reason)

Date range to report on. Enter in the format: YYYY-YYYY.


#nD where 'n' is the number of days prior to today.

#nM where 'n' is the number of months prior to today.

#nY where 'n' is the number of years prior to today.


Optional (requires either location or reason)

SUM just returns the total duration in days.

MONTH breaks down by months.

YEAR (default) breaks down by years.

Parts of the argument are delimited by an exclamation mark.



TE and PE are the system IDs of the location reasons Temporary Exhibit and Permanent Exhibit.

This will report on the amount of time (in days) objects have had the location reasons Temporary Exhibit or Permanent Exhibit between 01 Jan 2010 and 31 Dec 2015.