There are a few important housekeeping tasks which the system supervisor should be aware of, and perform regularly to keep the system in a healthy state. The frequency with which you need to perform these tasks depends on the usage levels of your system. In some cases, like clearing the Audit Log, you may not need to worry unless the system reminds you that it is necessary. The system supervisor can also customise some aspects of the system, such as setting up custom fields and editing site details.
You can find information about your system under Help >About Vernon CMS.
It contains the following information:
omaximum number of users which can be logged on concurrently
othe current version of Vernon CMS in use
othe modules installed
oyour workstation ID
ofree memory
othe system path
othe Network driver
othe Linear Hash server
othe current OpenInsight version
othe OpenInsight serial number and number of user licences
oOpenInsight expiry date (contact Vernon Systems Ltd to renew)
ocopyright information
In the History tab of the About window:
othe upgrade history for your site showing the version(s) and the date(s) the upgrade to each version was applied.