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Duplicate Checking (Accession Number Format)

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Accession numbers are usually unique, i.e. an accession number belongs to one accessioned 'item'.  However, in some special cases, two or more unrelated items can have the same accession number.

For example, the institution may control collections from separate sources that have had accession numbers applied, and these numbers are retained by the institution.  Items in these collections have accession numbers that also belong to items in another collection within the institution.

The system allows you to distinguish between accession number formats that are duplicated elsewhere, and formats which are unique and for which duplicate accession numbers should be disallowed.

You may wish to exceptionally allow duplicate accession numbers in a format for a specific time period or section of data entry.  You can switch duplicate checking off for the data entry, and then on again upon completion.

The table below shows the three Duplicate Checking flags and the effect each has if checked:

Flag name

Effect if checked

Prohibit accession number duplicates

The system will not allow you to save the record if the accession number using this format already exists for another record.

Give a warning message if duplicates exist

A warning message will be displayed if the same accession number within this format is entered for more than one record.

Allow duplicates

System will allow more than one object record to have the same accession number.


The Description Page of the Accession Number Formats window


Click on the radio button next to a flag to select (or de-select) that flag.  The default setting is for the 'Prohibit accession number duplicates' to be checked.

Note that any flags you set will only apply to accession numbers using the format presently displayed in the Accession Number Formats window.  You may allow duplicate accession numbers within one format, but disallow duplicates within another, and have a warning displayed for yet another format.

Email for help creating Accession Number formats.