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Earliest accession date (Accession Number Format)

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You can define the earliest accession date for which an Accession Number format is applicable.  For example, you may know that a particular format has only been in use since 1971 (Earliest Accession Date = 1 January 1971), or you may be creating a brand new accession number format which will only be applied to new acquisitions.  In this case you could specify today's date as the Earliest Accession date.  You can also specify a Latest Accession Date.

This is particularly useful when there are two (or more) formats that may give rise to identical accession numbers.  Specifying the earliest accession date each format was used from can help the system ascertain the format such an accession number belongs to.  If you then enter an accession number that fits more than one format, you can differentiate between the two formats by also recording the Accession Date for the record.

Unlike Department checking, Date validation on accession number formats is optional when creating Object records.  If you have specified a date range for which this format is valid, you can still use this format in an Object record without specifying an accession date for that record.

Important Note: When creating a new record with an accession number that could fit more than one named format, be sure to enter the Accession date before entering the accession number.  Accession date only works as a validating device if you have used Earliest/Latest Accession date in creating the format.

Note the difference between Earliest accession date and Department as validation tools.  Department is always enforced (i.e. the Department in the object record must match that of the Accession number format).  Earliest (and Latest) accession dates are only effective if the Accession Date is entered in the Object record.  If the Accession Date is not entered, then the system will NOT check the accession number against this format.


The Definition Page of the Accession Number Formats window


Earliest Accession Date is a Date controlled field.  You can only enter a precise date in this field.

Email for help creating Accession Number formats.