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Case Sensitivity (Accession Number Format)

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The use of upper or lower case is often deliberate and meaningful in accession numbers that include letters or words.  Case sensitivity allows you to have letters within accession number segments converted to either upper or lower case, or accession numbers rejected if any alpha characters used do not match the required case.

The following table shows the four options you are offered at this prompt, as well as the effect each has on accession number validation.

Case Sensitivity setting


Convert to lower case

All alpha characters within the segment will be converted to lower case for any accession number that is valid for this format.

Convert to upper case

All alpha characters within this segment will be converted to upper case for any accession number that is valid for this format.

Reject any lower case

Any alpha characters within the segment must be upper case for the accession number to be valid for this format.

Reject any upper case

Any alpha characters within the segment must be lower case for the accession number to be valid for this format.


The Definition Page of the Accession Number Formats window


Enter the Case Sensitivity option you wish to impose on the segment.  Click on the Options button or press [Alt + Down Arrow] and select a setting from the list.

If you are unfamiliar with edit tables it is very important to read about them before attempting to edit this field.

Email for help creating Accession Number formats.