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Actual Hours

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Actual Hours records the total hours that were spent on a task.

Field Type


Field Location

Diary > Identification window.

Object > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Person > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Photo/Audio-Visual > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Site > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Acquisition Proposal > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Condition Report > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Deaccession > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Entry > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Exhibition > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Exhibition Venue > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Exit > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Insurance > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Inward Loan > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Inward Rights, Reproduction & Use > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Outward Loan > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Outward Rights, Reproduction & Use > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Topic > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Transport/Movement > Tasks & Their Costs window.

Treatment > Tasks & Their Costs window.


Search this field with a Select Statement.


This field can only be reported on in the Diary file. Select 'Cost Actual Hours' in reporting.

Sorting is available for this field, select 'Actual Hours'.

Internal Field Name

Click into the field and press Alt+F1 on your keyboard to access the pop-up window with the field names.