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Navigation: System Administration > Security

Report on Security

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You can report on the security setup in Vernon CMS. This can be useful when untangling existing security configuration made by someone else, and when double checking your new security set up.

Types of Reports

Groups & Processes by User
This has all the Groups and allowed Processes (inherited or from Group) for each User.

Groups by User
This has a list of Users and their Groups.

Datafile by User
This has all the Datafile Security rights for each User. Including if they can Create, Delete, View or Modify records or fields, and any replacement literals.

Users & Processes by Group
This has a list of Groups with their hierarchy, Users, and allowed Processes.

Users by Group
This has a list of Groups and their Users.

Datafile by Group
This has a list of Groups and their Datafile Security. Including if the Group can Create, Delete, View or Modify records or fields, and any replacement literals.

Groups & Users by Process
This has a list of Processes allowed by either a Group or a User. It also lists Users who are disallowed a Process.

Process Details
This has a list of Processes and notes whether a password or security log is required for accessing that Process.

Process Log
This shows all of the Users who accessed a process and the time and duration of that access. Monitoring of access will need to

Data Log
This shows all of the Users who accessed records in a datafile and the time and date of access.

To Run a Security Report

1.Go to Tools menu > System Maintenance > Security Tool

2.Click in the Report dropdown and select the type of report you would like to run.

3.Click Run.