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Navigation: System Administration > Accession Numbers > Accession Number

Searching for Accession Number Ranges

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You can search for ranges of Accession Numbers in any of the places where the system searches the default search fields, and in the Query window.

To search for a range of Accession Numbers, always enter a whole Accession Number to begin the range, followed by three dots, followed by a whole Accession Number to end the range.

For example, enter 1996.22...1996.30, or li1996.22.1...li1996.22.10.

DO NOT enter 1996.22...30 or li1996.22.1...10, and do not use anything except three dots (i.e. periods or full stops) to separate the two numbers.

If you are uncertain of the extent of a range (e.g. if you wish to retrieve all the accession numbers from 1996 and all of their parts but don't know how many objects were accessioned during 1996, or how many parts each had), enter the lowest possible to the highest possible Accession Numbers. This will ensure you have covered all possible inclusions. For example enter 1996.1.1a...1996.9999.9999z.  You can, of course, be a little less extreme! If you are certain that not more than 100 items were accessioned during 1996 and that none of these could possibly have more than 100 parts, 1996.1.1a...1996.100.100z would produce the same results.