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Image storage guidelines

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Vernon CMS links to external images.

If you move or rename an image, the link will be broken.

Here are some guidelines to image storage to make using images easier in Vernon CMS.

File name guidelines

When you are saving your images we suggest you use the accession number or System ID as the file name for each image.

Use a suffix if there are multiple images for a record, for example:




Filenames in Windows can't have these characters:
/ \ : ? < > |

If your accession numbers contain one of these characters, choose a substitute character for your file names.

Guidelines for storing images

You should save your images within one directory on your server or somewhere else permanently accessible to all users and  the Vernon CMS application. The directory can be divided into sub-folders.

Ideally, images used in Vernon CMS should be no larger than 2,000 to 3,000 pixels along the longest side.

http:// and https:// file locations

Vernon CMS can use http:// or https:// file locations. You can link images and other multimedia files stored in cloud based or intranet storage to Vernon CMS. Enter the http:// file location into the Digital Filename field in the Photo/AV record.

Http:// and https:// file locations must end in a file extension (e.g. .jpg, .png, .bmp).

Some Vernon CMS features do not currently support http:// and https:// file locations.

Thumbnails will not update when changes are made to a linked image. To generate a new image, right click on the Thumbnail in Vernon CMS and select Refresh.

Metadata is not collected from web files and will not be displayed in the Photo/AV record.

You cannot use the Browse button in the Digital Filename field to browse web locations. This button will only allow you to browse your local directory.

You can use XML import to bulk create Photo/AV records with http:// and https:// file locations. You cannot use the Import and Link Images tool with http:// and https:// images.

Original http:// images will not display in Word Merge reports. If you wish to include http:// images in a Word Merge report, you will need to use image derivatives or thumbnails.

Using http:// and https:// file locations may slow your system's performance down (unless the images are stored on an intranet).


Vernon CMS automatically creates a small representative thumbnail image for each Photo/AV file you create. The thumbnails are stored in  WINCOLL > THUMB-CACHE. This directory is created and maintained by the system.  

You can provide your own thumbnail to override the system-created default (e.g. for video files).

1.Create an image roughly 114 x 114 pixels in size (or 114 pixels on the longest side), with exactly the same name as the original file, but with the addition of a '.thm' on the end.

 1994.1-oral history.avi

 1994.1-oral history.avi.thm

2. Include the thumbnail file in the same directory as the original image file.

The next time you open a record with this image linked, your custom thumbnail will display.

You do not have to delete the original thumbnail in the THUMB-CACHE, Vernon CMS will use your new one automatically.