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Accession Number Searching

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You can search for a record using its accession number in the Search Bar.

You can also search for records using accession numbers using Advanced Search.  Choose 'Accession No' from the list of fields, then enter the accession number you are searching for. You can also search for ranges by entering two complete accession numbers with ellipses between them.

Searching for the record with an accession number 2011.1.

Searching for the record with an accession number 2011.1.


Searching for all the records that have accession numbers between 2011.1 and 2011.20.

Searching for all the records that have accession numbers between 2011.1 and 2011.20.


If you don't know the entire accession number of the records you are trying to find, you can choose the 'Accession No (no format)' option from the list of fields. You can enter partial accession numbers, and ranges of partial accession numbers.

Searching for all records that have accession numbers that begin with 2011.

Searching for all records that have accession numbers that begin with 2011.


Searching for all records that have accession numbers containing anything between 1999 and 2011.

Searching for all records that have accession numbers containing anything between 1999 and 2011.

The search operators you can use with the Accession Number (no format) field are:


Starting with. 2011] will find all the accession numbers that start with 2011.


Ending with. [PT will find all the accession numbers that end with PT.


Containing. [156] will find all accession numbers that contain 156 anywhere within them.


Range. 1999...2011 will find all accession numbers that are between 1999 and 2011.