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Vernon CMS Help

To open the Datafile Security window

1.Go to Tools menu > System Maintenance > Security.

2.Click on the Data File button.

3.Click on the Advanced Search button Button Query and select the datafile you want to edit (e.g. Person). If the datafile you want to control is not in that list, you will need to secure that datafile.


The Datafile Security has two tabs, one for Group Datafile Security, and the other for User Datafile Security. These two tabs have identical tables.


The top table controls whether the Group/User can Create, Delete, View, or Edit (Modify) a record in that datafile.

The bottom table controls whether the Group/User can View or Edit (Modify) a specific field in a record.

If you see something other than a Yes or No, this is a custom formula for your site. It is called a Depends Routine and it decides whether a Group/User can create, delete, view or edit depending on specific criteria. For example, a Group can edit a Natural Science record, but not a Human History record.

You can send a screenshot of the Depends Routine to and we can help determine what has been set up.


We recommend controlling your Datafile Security at Group not User level. Controlling access for each User can become messy over time, especially with staff changeover. For example, it is easier to add a new staff member to the correct Group rather than assign each permission again for the new User.

Allow a Group rights to a datafile

1.Click on the Options button in an empty Group field in the Records Level Rights table to select a Group.
If the Group is already listed in that table, edit the fields in that row.

2.Click on the Options button in the Create, Delete, View, and Modify fields.
Select the appropriate option:

Yes: the Group has that right. You can also type Y into the fields.

No: the Group does not have that right. You can also type N into the fields.

Inherit: the field is cleared and the Group will have that right if subordinate Groups do.
You can also type a Depends Routine for conditional rights.

3.If you are preventing a Group from Viewing a record (No in View field), you can add text to appear in all fields instead of the information, e.g. <Protected>. By default, if Groups are prevented from viewing a record, they will see nothing in the fields. If you want to override that type the text you want into the Replacement Literal field.
If you add a Replacement Literal at record level, you must enter NULL (in capital letters) in the Replacement Literal field for any date or money fields in the table below.  If you do not enter NULL, the date and money fields will inherit the general replacement literal which will be converted to date and number formats.

4.Save the record.

Allow a Group rights to a field

1.Click on the Options button in an empty Group field in the Field Level Exceptions table to select a Group.

2.Click on the Options button in the Field field and select the field you want to control rights for. You can select multiple fields at once. When you click ok, each field will be on a new row.

3.Click on the Options button in the View, and Modify fields.
Select the appropriate option:

Yes: the Group has that right. You can also type Y into the fields.

No: the Group does not have that right. You can also type N into the fields.

Inherit: the field is cleared and the Group will have that right if subordinate Groups do.
You can also type a Depends Routine for conditional rights.

5.If you are preventing a Group from Viewing a field (No in View field), you can add text to appear instead of the information, e.g. <Protected>. Type the text you want into the Replacement Literal field.

6.Save the record.


If you want to control the rights for a specific User, follow the steps above but in the Users tab and instead of selecting a Group, select a User.