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Restrictions, Outward Rights, Reproduction & Use

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Restrictions records any restrictions for the use of the Object of Photo/Audio-Visual media.  You can type information into this field, or use the Options button to select restriction text that has been entered elsewhere on the Object or Photo record.

Field Type

Authority Assisted

Field Location

Outward Rights, Reproduction & Use > Objects, Photo/Audio-Visual and Activities window > Objects & Photo/Audio-Visual tab.

This field is part of a table including Object, Part, Photo/AV, Format, No. Copies, Credit Line, Restrictions, and Notes.


Search this field with 'Restrictions' in Advanced Search, or use a Select Statement.


Down the page reporting: Expand 'Objects & Photo/Audio-Visual Details' then select 'Restrictions'.

Across the page reporting: Select 'Restrictions'.

Sorting is not available for this field.

Internal Field Name