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Segment type (Accession Number Format)

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Two or more accession number segments may appear the same, but they may have quite different functions.  

For example, in the accession number '7.1984.7.7', three of the segments appear to contain identical information.  However, the first segment is a prefix, giving a code from 1 to 7 for the Department to which the object belongs.  The prefix is followed by the year segment (showing the year in which the accession took place).  The third segment shows the month in which the object was accessioned, and the final segment shows that this was the 7th item accessioned in that month. Another accession number '9.1984.9.9' is not valid for this format, as the prefix segment should contain a number from 1 to 7.  The third segment (month) can only allow numbers from 1 to 12, and the final segment (sequence) should allow any number.

You cannot reuse a segment type in a format e.g. Sequence cannot be used twice.

As part of an edit table, Segment type allows you to specify the purpose of each segment within the format.  Other fields in the table allow you to further define each segment of a format.  


The Definition Page of the Accession Number Formats window


Segment type is an Authority Controlled field.  Enter the type of the first segment if you know it.  Click on the Options button or press [Alt + Down Arrow] for a list of Accession Number Segments.

If you are unfamiliar with edit tables it is very important to read about them before attempting to edit this field.

Email for help creating Accession Number formats.