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Vernon CMS Help

Navigation: Vernon Basics > List Manager

Viewing Records in a List

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If you already have a Browse List open and you want to see it in List Manger

With the browse list open, click on the List Manager button LMButton.bmp in the Tool bar at the top of the screen, or go to Records > List Manager.


Open a list that you have previously saved

You can open a saved list of records via the Portfolio tool. Click the Open Portfolio button Button PortfolioOpen, choose the list you wish to open.


Open List Manager to fill with records manually

Make sure you have no records open in the background, and then click on the List Manager button LMButton.bmp in the Tool bar at the top of the screen, or go to Records > List Manager.

If you have no windows open, List Manager will ask you to choose which datafile to open in. If you have any windows open in the background, List Manager will open in that file.  If you would like to open List Manager in a different datafile to work from, hold Ctrl+Shift and click the List Manager button LMButton.bmp.


Other ways to get to List Manager

Many other windows in Vernon CMS have a List Manager button LMButton.bmp. These include the Reporting window, the Authority window, and Advanced Search . When you click the List Manager button LMButton.bmp in these places, List Manager will open and display the records you were working with.