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Highlights Field

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The Highlights field is where you specify the Highlights to be included in this export. These will be based on a static list of records saved in a particular order. Highlights are themselves configured in the Highlights Configuration window.

The Highlights Configuration requires that a Vernon Browser Export be entered before a list of records can be specified for inclusion in the Highlights.  Therefore, the Export Configuration record must be saved without the Highlights. Only then can Highlights be added to the Export Configuration record.


The Parameters page of the Vernon Browser Advanced Configuration window.


Highlights is an authority controlled field.  However, you must create and save the Export Configuration record before you create Highlights for inclusion in the export.  This is because the Highlights record requires the Export Configuration to be specified within the Highlights Configuration record.

Once the Highlights Tour has been created, you can enter its name (or its System ID) in the field if you know it. If you enter the term incorrectly, or if there is more than one matching term, the Authority Search Window will appear, allowing you to select or search for a term.

You can also click on the Options Button (or press [Alt + Down Arrow]) to select a Highlights if Highlights have already been created, or follow instructions for Creating a Vernon Browser Highlights Tour, as required.

Remember that Search Operators are useful search tools, and can be used in any authority controlled field.