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Department records the department responsible for an object or activity.

For example:

Natural Science

Fine Art

20th Century Art


You can narrow down searches using the department field. You can restrict access to object records based on their department.

The Object accession number field is sensitive to the information in the department field. If you have accession number formats based on department, after entering the department on the object record, the default accession number will be for that department.

Field Type


Field Location

Object > Identification window > Title, Artist, Date tab.

Object > Library window > Publication tab.

Object > Archive Series window > Identity, Content, Structure tab.

Object > Active File/Item window > Identity, Content, Structure tab.

Object > Accessory window > Description tab.

Acquisition Proposal window > Administration tab.

Condition Report window > Administration tab.

Entry > Incoming Receipt window > Receipt & Approval tab.

Exhibition Venue window > Administration tab.

Exit > Outgoing Receipt window > Receipt & Approval window.

Inward Loan window > Administration tab.

Insurance window > Approval tab.

Outward Loan window > Administration tab.

Outward Rights, Reproduction & Use window > Administration tab.

Transport/Movement window > Administration tab.

Treatment window > Administration tab.


Search this field with 'Department' in Advanced Search, or use a Select Statement.


Select 'Department' in reporting.

Sorting is available for this field, select 'Department'.

Internal Field Name