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Priority (Accession Number Format)

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For sites using more than one accession number format, there may be accession numbers which fit more than one of the formats.

For example, if you have a format with the pattern 'YY.sequence', and another with the pattern 'sequence.YY'; and an object has an accession number '68.69' it can be difficult to know which of these two formats the accession number belongs to.  Accession number validation can only work properly if the system checks the accession number against the correct format.

Where possible, you can specify the Department to which a format belongs.  Another tool for refining the possibilities is to supply an Accession date range for which the format is valid.  Thus in situations where the accession number by itself does not clearly belong to a single accession format, the Department or Date Accessioned fields could provide the definitive clue.

However, it is not always possible to constrain an accession number format to a department or a date range.  In these cases Priority can be used to specify the order in which the formats should be applied to run validation on the accession number.  If the accession number fits more than one format, it will be compared (for validation) with the format with the highest priority


The Description Page of the Accession Number Formats window


The lower the number entered in this field, the higher the priority of the format.

For example, if you enter '010' for the format with the highest priority, the next most used format could be given '020' and so on.  Leaving a gap between the priority numbers allows you to prioritise new accession number formats later, without having to re-configure priorities for the existing formats.

Email for help creating Accession Number formats.