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Navigation: Vernon Basics > Searching > The Authority Window

Buttons in the Authority Window

Scroll More



Shows all available terms if there are only a modest number of terms.


Shows the top terms in the hierarchy.


V6 Up One Level button

Shows the next higher term for the current highlighted term.

button Show Current Term

Shows the current term used in the field you are clicked in.

Book Index

Opens Advanced Search.


Opens List Manager with a list of terms. List Manager shows the terms which are displayed in the Available Terms box.

Book Index

Opens the selected term's record.


Create a new authority term.

V9 Detail Narrower Checkbox Authority Search

If checked when you create a new term it will have your selected term as its next higher term.

V9 Button Select All Authority Search

Selects all the terms.

Detail Show Ids checkbox

Displays the system ID of terms in square brackets next to each term.


Shows the terms that have been selected. This allows you to view the terms, remove terms, or re-organise them.


Selects all the terms related to each other.


There is a difference between Selecting a term and Highlighting a term in the Authority window.

oSelect a term by checking the box next to the term. Selecting a term will chose the term for the field.

oHighlight a term by clicking on the term.  Highlighting a to use other functions in the Authority Window.