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The Global Default is a feature that can save time during data-entry of new accession numbers.  It can also be used to control the defaulting of new accession numbers within a format.

If defaulting is switched onand the Global Default is specified, the system will provide the next sequential accession number as a default at the Accession Number prompt in the new Object record.  

For sites with multiple accession number formats, the last format used in a data entry session by any user determines the next sequential accession number offered. The most recently used format (that has defaulting turned on) in a particular user's current session determines the default accession number offered to that user.  

Whenever an accession number is saved, the format to which it belongs is saved with it, and becomes the current top format in the list.  This is taken to be the default format for this user, providing defaulting is turned on and there is a Global Default value in the Accession Number Format record.

You may be using multiple accession number formats, and any two of these formats may allow the same accession number.  In this case it is important that you differentiate between formats by one or more of these methods:

oSet the priority for each of the formats that may give rise to identical accession numbers;

oUse different segment delimiters for the formats e.g. - or / ;

oSpecify the Department to which the format belongs;

oSpecify an Earliest accession date and/or Latest accession date for which the format is valid

o on data entry in the Accession number field, specify the system ID of the format, followed by "$" then the number to be used - e.g. to use the number 2006.12.34 with the format that has the System ID of MAIN, enter "MAIN$2006.12.34" (without quotes).


The Description Page of the Accession Number Formats window


Enter the value prior to the first value you would like to be available. For example, for a new, yet-to-be-used format with the pattern of yyyy.nnn.nnn that you are using from 2006 onwards, enter "2006.1.0" as the Global Default. This means the first number available for use will be "2006.1.1".

Note that this is a site-specific setting.  If you set the global default for this format, whenever this format is used the next sequential accession number for the format will be offered as the Global Default.

However, if the User Preference flag 'Enable Accession Number defaulting' is turned off for a user, then that user will not be offered a default for the accession number.  Other users for whom defaulting is enabled will be offered a default accession number (providing there are formats which have 'Defaulting On' selected).

Thus, in order to successfully enable Accession Number Defaulting you must:

1.On the Accession Number Format definition, check the 'Defaulting On' check box. To see if this has been set (and to set it if it has not) Follow the menu path:

Tools > System Maintenance > Accession Number > Acc No Format

At the Id prompt, enter the ] (right square bracket) which means 'starting with anything' and this will give you a pick list of all the formats defined. Select All of these, and return to the window and there ensure that the ones which should default have the Defaulting On box checked and a Global Default value specified.  Use the browse next button to move to the next format record - and don't forget to save changes.

2.        Next ensure that for each user, their user preference has been set to enable accession number defaulting.  

Follow the menu path: Tools > User Tools > User Preferences and see that the Enable Acc No Defaulting box is checked. If not, check it and save the record.