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Vernon CMS Help

Many institutions will use the Condition Report file differently, so that it best fits with their procedures and processes. This example is just one way of many ways you could use it.

In this example we are creating a Condition Report record for an vase in the collection that was discovered to have some damage.


1.Open the main Condition Report window to start a new record.

2.Give the record a procedural status, for example, 'Request Raised', or if the condition report has already begun, 'Work in Progress'. Give the record a file number in the format that your institution uses.

3.Link the Objects involved in this Condition Report, and link any related Activities, such as a Treatment record.

4.Fill in the fields that are relevant to your condition reporting process. In this example, we've entered a sentence about the condition of the object in the General Condition text field, added some keywords about the condition and completeness of the object. In the Detailed Condition table we've started to get more specific about issues with the object, specifying where the issue is and describing it in greater detail.

5.In the Administration tab on the main window, fill in relevant details, such as the reason, method, department and so on.

6.In the Recommendation tab, any further recommendations for the object can be specified, including recommended treatment, storage, and handling.

7.You can add images to the Condition Report record by going to the Condition Report > Photo/Audio-Visual window, and attaching an image.

8.Save the record.


When the Condition Report has been completed, you can go back to the record and update the procedural status to "Completed", or whichever procedural status makes sense for your institution.