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Overview of Vernon Activities Files

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The Activities module complements the Cataloguing module by providing 16 datafiles dedicated to specific collection management activities. Activities module brings all the documentation about a project together in the one place so that your team can work more efficiently.  


The Activities module helps you plan and manage collection management activities. You can link all the documentation about a project together, and link in any objects involved, so that your team can manage the project as a whole.

Activity files can be linked to each other, for example an Inward Loan record can be linked to an Exhibition record, to reflect that an item was borrowed to be part of an exhibition. Or a condition report record to a treatment request record, and a transport/movement record, to look after an item that was damaged in transit.

The Activity Files are:

Acquisition Proposal

Condition Report



Exhibition Concept

Exhibition Venue



Inward Loan

Inward Rights, Reproduction & Use

Outward Loan

Outward Rights, Reproduction & Use

Risk Management





Related Activities and Objects

All Activity files can be linked to any number of other activity files. These links reciprocally update and are presented in the Objects & Activities window.

From any activity file record you are able to navigate in any direction to see related records. For example, if you were to start with an Entry record, you could then branch to see the Transport/Movements involved, and from the Transport record you could branch to review the Condition Reports and Treatment records.

When an object or its parts are linked to an activity, the system automatically maintains details of the activities on the object record. The system can produce window and report views of the activities that are linked to an object, providing easy conflict checking and scheduling.

An object and its involvement in activities can be viewed from the Management Activities window.

Activity files and Procedural Control

Data entry in Activity files is subject to Procedural Control. The data you enter in these windows must be in accordance with the rules and procedures that have been defined for your institution. The Procedural Control tool also allows you to specify actions and reports for an activity, as well as messages to be automatically displayed when Activity records are saved with a certain status.

Settings and Configuration

Settings and Configuration of Vernon Activities is managed in the Activities Configuration window