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Valuation Method

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This field specifies the method or basis for the valuation. The term used in this field affects how the Latest Valuation is calculated.

The options for this field are:

Actual Value (AV) is used where a valuation has been made with a high degree of authority, certainty and precision. Usually used when an expert valuer has assessed the item.

Estimated Value (EV) is for valuations with less accuracy. These valuations are often provided by in-house specialists in this type of item.

Estimated Mean Value (EMV) is the least accurate of the three Valuation Methods, and is often used for low value items and large sets of common items.

If you choose Estimated Mean Value, you must enter a valuation category in the Value field.

Field Type


Field Location

Object > Valuation window.

This field is part of a table including Part, Type, Method/Basis, Value, Date, Reason, Person, Notes.


Search this field with Select Statement.


Down the page reporting: Expand 'Valuation (latest value with details)' or 'Valuation (all values with details)', and select 'Method'.

Across the page reporting: Select 'Valuation Method (all)'.

Sorting is not available for this field.

Internal Field Name